Villa Joseph Marie
melinda wissmann
Like so many excellent small schools, Villa Joseph Marie has traditionally done a better job fulfilling its mission of education than it has in the task of self-promotion (a less inspiring, but necessary endeavor). However, that recently changed when Villa’s admissions and marketing team decided to take the school’s communications program to a whole new level.
As a partner in this effort, Kelsh Wilson developed a set of powerful admissions publications for the school and also a User’s Guide to the Villa Message—a key tool in bringing consistency and impact to other communications, be they print, digital, or face-to-face.
The school’s president, Tom Kardish—who brings years of business experience and a Wharton MBA to the job—shares his thoughts on the project’s success:
“I have two things to say about Kelsh Wilson:
1. They took the time, did the research and really “got” our school and our points of difference. More than the words, the look and feel match the incredible environment here exactly!
2. The hiring of Kelsh Wilson was a big step for Villa. It was a conscious decision to no longer be “the best kept secret” and break from our quiet humility. I am truly excited to see the long-term impact of this investment on our school and our community.
Our communications across all parts of our organization are clean, crisp, consistent and complementary. And most of all, honest. Villa is enjoying record enrollment, and it feels like the school could grow another 10 percent with the arrival of the class of 2021.”