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7614 Montgomery Avenue
Elkins Park, PA, 19027
United States


Kelsh Wilson Design creates message-driven marketing communications, in print and on the web, for education, business, and nonprofits. Admissions / Advancement / Branding / Photography + Video


Print & Pixels: Kelsh Wilson Design's blog where we post our latest news and inspiration. Kelsh Wilson Design creates message-driven marketing communications, in print and on the web, for education, business, and nonprofits. Admissions / Advancement / Branding / Photography + Video


New Clients / New Work

Fred Wilson

It's been busy here this week with project kick-offs, client meetings, and supervising printing. We're happy to be welcoming new clients and working on some new projects for long-time clients. It should be a busy fall!

Welcome to New Clients

We welcome D'Youville College in Buffalo, NY. And we're happy to be working with The Wharton Fund at Penn. We're also excited to partner with another client at George Mason University–the Office Research and Economic Development.

New Work for Former Clients

We are thrilled to be working again with Kochman, Reidt, and Haigh, Boston-based cabinet makers on a new website and with Holy Ghost Prep on some new admissions pieces. 

On the Presses

Finally, we're wrapping up the printing of new admissions pieces for Cabrini College, Carolina Friends SchoolThe Hill School, Rowan University and fundraising pieces for Bryn Mawr College.  We'll have more to say (and show!) about those pieces in some upcoming posts.

As we said, it's been pretty busy here this week!